Neo4J: Supreme Court Explore

Supreme Court Graph Explore

In the past few posts, I built a knowledge graph based on some metadata. It was an enjoyable experience, but what is the real purpose behind it?

Summary of Work So Far

Build the Database first

I a proponent of building out an immutable source of truth prior to ingesting anything into a graph. I have in the past built graphs for fun, but found that transforming in python then loading into memory prior to ingesting into neo was a painful and expensive exercise. Check out this post for details about how to do that with PostGresql

Ingest into Neo

Once a data model is in place, we can leverage SQL queries to create unique nodes and relationships. It is incredibly important to create a normalized database; otherwise, we’ll generate runaway queries that will blow up your machine or your GCP bill. I ingested data in a few steps. Admittedly, I approached the problem somewhat naively at first to get a proof of concept built, then I refined it further. Here are the details:

  1. Node Ingestion Proof of Concept
  2. Node Relation Proof of Concept
  3. Unique Nodes and Relationsihps

Exploring the Seeded Graph

With the graph seeded, I wanted to explore and visualize the existing relationships. I might create some more relationships to answer questions that come up as I go through the data.

My Feelings on Graphs

Before I start the exploration, I want to share my thoughts on graphs. I think graphs are cool. They make me look like a data savant when I present a beautiful gravity model to an executive. That said, I do not like working with graphs as databases, data lakes, or data warehouses. I see graphs as tools to help understand relationships and (maybe) create new ones in a dataset. To work with them at scale, a robust data pipeline must be in place. Otherwise, the graph will become a mess of unattached nodes and nonsensical relationships.

The Exploration

My graph relates item nodes (Supreme Court cases) to contributors and subjects (topics). I seeded the graph with about 6,000 nodes, so I expect many subjects to not relate back to nodes in the dataset. My first question is: which cases did contributors contribute to?

So my query translated into cypher is…

MATCH (i:Item) - [r:HAS_CONTRIBUTOR] - (c:Contributor)
return i,r,c


SO What

Yeah this is cool… it reveals a gravity model showing a bunch of nodes that don’t really answer any questions.. So which justice contributed to the most cases?

Which Justice Contributed to the Most Cases

MATCH (i:Item)-[r:HAS_CONTRIBUTOR]-(c:Contributor)
WHERE c.contributor <> "supreme court of the united states"
RETURN c, COUNT(i) AS itemCount

This will return the following node

<id>: 7790
contributor: "paterson, william"

Which Cases did the Justice Contribute To?

So based on the limited information in my graph, Justice William Patterson contributed to the most cases. Which cases?

MATCH (i:Item)-[r:HAS_CONTRIBUTOR]-(c:Contributor)
WHERE c.contributor = "paterson, william"
RETURN i,c,r, COUNT(i) as item_count


This returns 215 seperate items in my dataset. I can export this information if I’d like get the titles. Here is a subset of that information

    "i": {
      "identity": 7823,
      "labels": ["Item"],
      "properties": {
        "date": "17880000",
        "callNumber": "series: Volume 1",
        "externalId": "",
        "title": "U.S. Reports: Tetter v. Rapesnyder, 1 U.S. (1 Dall.) 293 (1788)."
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": ["Contributor"],
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
    "r": {
      "identity": 1177695700603903631,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 7790,
      "type": "HAS_CONTRIBUTOR"
    "item_count": 1
    "i": {
      "identity": 7824,
      "labels": ["Item"],
      "properties": {
        "date": "17880000",
        "callNumber": "series: Volume 1",
        "externalId": "",
        "title": "U.S. Reports: Caldwell v. Barclay, 1 U.S. (1 Dall.) 305 (1788)."
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": ["Contributor"],
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
    "r": {
      "identity": 1177695700603903632,
      "start": 7824,
      "end": 7790,
      "type": "HAS_CONTRIBUTOR"
    "item_count": 1
    "i": {
      "identity": 7829,
      "labels": ["Item"],
      "properties": {
        "date": "17840000",
        "callNumber": "series: Volume 1",
        "externalId": "",
        "title": "U.S. Reports: Rivers v. Walker, 1 U.S. (1 Dall.) 81 (1784)."
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": ["Contributor"],
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
    "r": {
      "identity": 1177695700603903637,
      "start": 7829,
      "end": 7790,
      "type": "HAS_CONTRIBUTOR"
    "item_count": 1

Which subjects?

Next I really want to know which subjects Justice Patterson contributed to. The query below permits that, but it returns a ton of information in a single view.

WHERE c.contributor = "paterson, william"
OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[s:HAS_SUBJECT]->(sub:Subject)
RETURN i, c, r,s, COUNT(i) AS item_count, COLLECT(sub) AS subjects


json subset

    "i": {
      "identity": 7823,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "date": "17880000",
        "callNumber": "series: Volume 1",
        "externalId": "",
        "title": "U.S. Reports: Tetter v. Rapesnyder, 1 U.S. (1 Dall.) 293 (1788)."
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823"
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "r": {
      "identity": 1177695700603903631,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 7790,
      "type": "HAS_CONTRIBUTOR",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1177695700603903631",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1157433900327247503,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 10458,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1157433900327247503",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10458"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 10458,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "periodical"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10458"
    "i": {
      "identity": 7823,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "date": "17880000",
        "callNumber": "series: Volume 1",
        "externalId": "",
        "title": "U.S. Reports: Tetter v. Rapesnyder, 1 U.S. (1 Dall.) 293 (1788)."
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823"
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "r": {
      "identity": 1177695700603903631,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 7790,
      "type": "HAS_CONTRIBUTOR",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1177695700603903631",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1155182100513562255,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 10660,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1155182100513562255",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10660"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 10660,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "ex parte"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10660"
    "i": {
      "identity": 7823,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "date": "17880000",
        "callNumber": "series: Volume 1",
        "externalId": "",
        "title": "U.S. Reports: Tetter v. Rapesnyder, 1 U.S. (1 Dall.) 293 (1788)."
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823"
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "r": {
      "identity": 1177695700603903631,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 7790,
      "type": "HAS_CONTRIBUTOR",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1177695700603903631",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1152930300699877007,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 12665,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1152930300699877007",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:12665"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 12665,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "court decisions"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:12665"
    "i": {
      "identity": 7824,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "date": "17880000",
        "callNumber": "series: Volume 1",
        "externalId": "",
        "title": "U.S. Reports: Caldwell v. Barclay, 1 U.S. (1 Dall.) 305 (1788)."
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7824"
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "r": {
      "identity": 1177695700603903632,
      "start": 7824,
      "end": 7790,
      "type": "HAS_CONTRIBUTOR",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1177695700603903632",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7824",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1159685700140932752,
      "start": 7824,
      "end": 9573,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1159685700140932752",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7824",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:9573"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 9573,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "statutory construction"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:9573"
    "i": {
      "identity": 7824,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "date": "17880000",
        "callNumber": "series: Volume 1",
        "externalId": "",
        "title": "U.S. Reports: Caldwell v. Barclay, 1 U.S. (1 Dall.) 305 (1788)."
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7824"
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "r": {
      "identity": 1177695700603903632,
      "start": 7824,
      "end": 7790,
      "type": "HAS_CONTRIBUTOR",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1177695700603903632",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7824",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1157433900327247504,
      "start": 7824,
      "end": 10458,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1157433900327247504",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7824",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10458"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 10458,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "periodical"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10458"

Just Subjects?

What I really want to know is which topics did Justice Williams focus on during his tenure at the court?

The query below will return just those subjects.

WHERE c.contributor = "paterson, william"
OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[s:HAS_SUBJECT]->(sub:Subject)
RETURN c,s, COUNT(i) AS item_count, COLLECT(sub) AS subjects

Note that there are no connections in this graph.. In order to get here the intermediary queries are necessary. As in there is not a direct relationsihp defined… yet.


    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1157433900327247503,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 10458,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1157433900327247503",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10458"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 10458,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "periodical"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10458"
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1155182100513562255,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 10660,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1155182100513562255",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10660"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 10660,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "ex parte"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10660"
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1152930300699877007,
      "start": 7823,
      "end": 12665,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1152930300699877007",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7823",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:12665"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 12665,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "court decisions"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:12665"
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1159685700140932752,
      "start": 7824,
      "end": 9573,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1159685700140932752",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7824",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:9573"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 9573,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "statutory construction"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:9573"
    "c": {
      "identity": 7790,
      "labels": [
      "properties": {
        "contributor": "paterson, william"
      "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7790"
    "s": {
      "identity": 1157433900327247504,
      "start": 7824,
      "end": 10458,
      "type": "HAS_SUBJECT",
      "properties": {},
      "elementId": "5:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:1157433900327247504",
      "startNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:7824",
      "endNodeElementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10458"
    "item_count": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "identity": 10458,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
          "subject": "periodical"
        "elementId": "4:97e89a5d-6db8-49a1-af67-ce21cfe39493:10458"

Creating a New Relationship

So at this point I could generalize these queries to create relationships between authors and subjects directly.

This query would return all of the contributor subject values.

MATCH (i:Item)-[r:HAS_CONTRIBUTOR]-(c:Contributor)
WHERE c.contributor <> "supreme court of the united states"
OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[s:HAS_SUBJECT]->(sub:Subject)
RETURN c,s, COUNT(i) AS item_count, COLLECT(sub) AS subjects

This query would create relationships… but I am not going to run that in the NeoGraph. I want to version control this to make it part of a workflow. I’ll detail that next.

MATCH (i:Item)-[r:HAS_CONTRIBUTOR]-(c:Contributor)
WHERE c.contributor <> "supreme court of the united states"
OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[s:HAS_SUBJECT]->(sub:Subject)
WITH c, sub, COUNT(i) AS item_count, COLLECT(sub) AS subjects
MERGE (c)-[:WROTE_ABOUT]->(sub)
RETURN c, item_count, subjects;

Further Questions

So I want to know more.. I need to seed the graph. This will come after expanding my infrastrucutre.

  1. I want to know which parties were subject to the case
  2. I want to know the justices’ sentiment towards the case
  3. I want to know the justices’ political parties
  4. I want to know the justices’ sentiment towards precedent
  5. I want to know the justices’ values
  6. I want to know the justices’ attitudes towards legal doctrines
  7. I want to know which cases justices’ cited
  8. I want to know which clause of the constitution was examined
  9. I want to know which legislation was argued.
  10. I want to know which issues a justice covered and their sentiment towards them